BLEACH © Tite Kubo
Introuduce : Kisuke 'Hikari' Shihouin, first daughter of Urahara + Yorouichi.
She's my original character on BLEACH :D
1: He never thought he would fall in love with his lieutenant; She never thought she would fall in love with the boy she gave advice too in Rukongai.
2: He had finally gotten the respected he wanted and dissevered from everyone once he had his growth spurts, she told him, he had always had her respect from the beginning.
3: If there was one thing he hated, besides Rangiku never doing her paperwork, it was the way she, his lieutenant and girlfriend, and his third seat, Hikari, would sit in the office and whisper to each other. And more often than not, they would glance at him and smile mischievously.
4: Once they'd done that, he knew he was going to get tortured in some way. Maybe they wouldn't tell Hyorinmaru.
5: Toshiro was wrong, they did. Now he had to listen to both Rangiku and Hikari, along with his Zanpakuto, 'practice' their karaoke.
6: Paperwork was always a tedious choir but after they had gotten together, Rangiku would take at least a quarter of it and actually do it. Though she made him promise to get off early and have dinner with her.
7. He would have had dinner with her anyway, but he didn't say that just to be sure she would actually do her work.
8: Being dragged to the different bars was not his idea of fun, but it was hers. And he only went to make sure nothing happened to her and she didn't get too drunk.
9: His idea of fun was spending a quite night at home, reading. He had yet to finish that book, cause she keep 'interrupting' him when he was getting to the good part.
10: They still had arguments, but now they had better ways of making it up to each other.
11: A few months after they were together, Toshiro accidently called her 'just' his lieutenant. Now he was being dragged to the living world by Hikari, to pick out an engagement ring.
12: Once he had apologized for what he said, he popped the question and was instantly glomped and hugged tightly with a 'yes'.
13: Everyone was having mixed emotions about the engagement, most were happy but there were they few who didn't think it was going to last. Well they would prove them wrong.
14: Their wedding wasn't huge, but it was loud. And it only got louder once they got to the reception and the sake was broken out.
15. Once they were finally alone, she was strangely shy and nervous. He helped her relax by kissing her.
16. Nothing really had changed after wedding. Well, except she was on time and the paperwork was done early on some days. Though on those days she would lock the office door and cast a sound kido so no one would hear them.
17. Hikari always seemed to come and knock on the door, right before anything happened. She'd always giggle and say something like "Then maybe you should wait till you get home," whenever he threatened her.
18. The day Rangiku announced they were going to be parents, he was both happy and a bit worried. He wanted to make sure she was ok.
19: The day Unohana said they were having twins, Rangiku had squealed and Toshiro had been speechless.
20: Taking care of twins wasn't always easy, but at the end of the day, while she watched Toshiro tuck in their daughter, their son balanced in the other arm, Rangiku would smile and think her life perfect. Then she would take the boy from him and make some comment to get her husband to give his famous glare at her, while their baby girl, Ritsuko, giggled and their baby boy, Hitsunoru, yawned.
Sabtu, 13 November 2010
20 Truths of HitsuMatsu
Diposting oleh Shabrina Ambarsari di 20.04 0 komentar
Selasa, 09 November 2010
Bulan apa sekarang?
Ya, November. Bentar lagi penghujung tahun, dan berarti, gue harus siap-siap untuk try out sekolah tiap minggu, try out inten yang pasti makin susah (dan gue juga ga tau, berapa % yang bakal gue dapetin selanjutnya), daftar ITB dan UGM (tidak berminat di UI? Males ah, entar aja ikut yang SNMPTN, *SONGONG MODE : ON*. Nggak ding, gue emang ga terlalu tertarik untuk masuk UI. Hehe)
Gue nggak nyangka sekarang gue udah kelas 12, yang berarti sebentar lagi gue berhadapan dengan berbagai macam ujian. Rasanya baru kemaren gue pindah dari Penabur ke 21, terus MOS, ngecengin kakak-kakak kelas, eh sekarang, udah jadi kakak kelas yang paling tua. Perasaan waktu cepet amet jalannya. Terlalu banyak kenangan yang terlewatkan buat gue.
Rasa takut muncul di dalam hati gue. Mulai dari takut nggak lulus UN, trus ga lulus ujian masuk PTN, dan temen-temennya. Dulu kayaknya kelas 10 sama 11, gue belajar santai-santai aja. Gue masih sempet baca buku Harry Potter 1-7 yang tebelnya naudzubillah, gue masih sempet nonton bleach yang episode nya beratus-ratus, gue masih sempet baca komik YU-Gi-Oh kesayangan gue, gue masih sempet ini, itu, dan temen-temennya. Tapi sekarang, gue mau nemuin waktu kosong aja kayaknya susah banget.
Inten udah nyita waktu gue 3x seminggu. Tapi gue rela, asalkan gue lulus UN dan masuk ITB ato UGM.
Gue selalu ngebayangin kalo gue udah jadi mahasiswa (ato keterima deh, seenggaknya) di teknik kimia UGM/ITB ato psikokogi UGM. Di mana gue bisa bilang apa yang kak Rizky bilang, "HAH? SIMAK? APAAN TUH?"
Sumpah itu bikin ngiri banget.
Rasanya gue pengen teriak : Kak, gue juga mau kayak lo!
Please god, kasih gue kesempatan untuk kuliah di salah satu universitas itu. :))
Diposting oleh Shabrina Ambarsari di 06.27 0 komentar