Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012


Quick diagnosis of your suited partner!
[Midorima: I will accept fate (nodayo).]
Unique lineup of players!
Who is your appropriate partner? 
From the “Kiseki no Sedai” (+ α) of great individualities, diagnose the compatible partner for you! With someone you have a lot in common with, your basketball compatibility should be perfect as well! (You’ll find your true partner.  …maybe!!)
Compatibility Process
Start from number 1 and from your chosen answer, move forward to the item (or number) indicated. Listen to your heart and do it honestly, ok!? The person you arrive at is your appropriate partner!!
[Momoi: Start from Number 1 immediately!]
1) You decided to join the basketball club! What is your current target?
5 - The best in Japan!
6 - Reastically, breaking through the regional preliminary!
3 - I’ve never thought about that.
2) What do you think is important to a player?
8 - Working hard everyday
22 - Overwhelming talent
19 - Feelings of enjoyment
3) Aiming to be a regular, you are in the middle of harsh training. What will you do?
9 - Strengthen basic footwork
12 - Shooting practice
16 - Resting is important! I’ll nap on the rooftop.
4) One last minute before the end of the match! You’re losing by 6 points!?
13 - I can still do it! There’s still time!!
10 - I don’t want to give up but… It’s kinda tough.
14 - Taking your mind off it, you think about what to eat when you go home.
5) What is your aspired position?
9 - Intense attacker PF (power forward)
18 - Team’s pivot! PG (point guard)
14 - I don’t really know but SB (side back)
6) In your harsh training everyday, you broke a basketball equipment. The one that broke is…?
9 - Basketball shoes are worn out.
12 - Ball is all slippery.
4 - My warlord figures are broken!
7) The coach prepared some food but… That is, the taste is a little…
8 - No matter how bad it is, with my fighting spirit, I’m going to eat everything!
11 - I’ll honestly say I can’t eat it.
19 - I’ll secretly eat the snack I reserved.
8) You were eliminated from the tournament and the punishment is confessing your love naked…
21 - I promised so I have no choice but to do it…
29 - Sorry! Please pardon just this!
15 - In order not to be rude, I’ll cut my useless hair.
9) During a match, showdown with the opponent’s ace! You seem to be competing with your abilities but…
7 - I believe in my strength and go on a 1-on-1 match.
23 - I pass to my allies and clinch the victory for sure.
2 - I take the opportunity to charge and make the opponent get a foul.
[Kuroko: Let’s do our best.]
10) You thought of an amazing special move!
26 - So fast that your wrist will break upon catching, “Ignite Pass Kai”!
11 - Surround my body with electric lights, and attract attention all the time, “Misdirection Overflow Electric Parade”
14 - Disappear before my opponent’s eyes, and go home as it is, “Go-home Drive”
11) A new member joined the club!
15 - A big newcomer with overflowing talent
29 - A strong person with enough reason to skip club activities
31 - A dog
12) A female manager joined the team! What kind of girl is she…
23 - A caring senpai whose specialty is cooking and laundry.
20 - A glamorous classmate whose specialty is strategy and analysis.
14 - Super Spartan Coach (That’s not a manager!?)
13) News program’s fortune-telling. Your lucky item for today is…
8 - Toy frog
17 - Raccoon dog crafted in Shigaraki… It’s heavy!!
26 - Scissors… Isn’t it kinda normal?
14) You, whose effort is not enough, are still too early for a partner!
Go with Riko to a special training from hell!! [END]
15) Which flavor of snacks do you like?
34 - Cheese flavor
33 - Sea urchin flavor
27 - Melon flavor
[Kise: Can I call you “OO-cchi”?]
16) Today is your rest day for the first time in a long while. What will you do?
20 - Work myself out in street basketball.
13 - Read or play games at home.
2 - Concentrate on spending money on snacks.
17) In the middle of a match, the coach’s reason for a substitution is…
25 - To change strategies
21 - To prevent you from getting too many fouls
31 - To reserve you in order to assure victory
18) The special training menu was announced just before the match. The content is…
23 - Dash to buy juice
10 - Hide and Seek in the mountains
7 - Measure endurance in the sauna
19) When you entered the okonomiyaki shop, a player from a rival school is there! What will you do?
25 - Outside the court, we are basketball buddies! Why not eat together?
30 - Even outside the court, an opponent is an opponent! Eating contest!!
14 - Putting that aside, miss, one oolong-hai! (oolong-shochu cocktail)
[Kagami: Let’s beat them!!]
20) Today is the most important finals! How’s your physical condition?
17 - I’ve properly adjusted so I’m perfectly fine!
19 - I was excited and didn’t sleep.
22 - That’s not a big deal.
21) Something you don’t like?
35 - Teamwork
28 - A bad meal
14 - The coach
22) The basketball club members’ training camp destination is…?
25 - The beach
15 - The mountains
30 - Whichever it is, I feel lazy so I won’t go.
[Murasakibara: Partner…? I don’t need one.]
23) Today is the practice game with another school! It’s a little far, so how will you go there?
11 - Use normal transportation facilities.
22 - It’s before the match but, I’ll dare to run!
14 - I wonder if someone will pull me on a rickshaw.
24) What is a basketball game to you?
TYPE A - That which offers a challenge to me and my teammates.
TYPE E - That which makes me show my strength and overwhelm my opponents.
TYPE G - That which I am victorious at… Is there anything else but that?
25) By the way, what is your personality?
35 - Cheerful and sociable
32 - Silent and introverted
27 - Sadist
26) There is a weird smell coming from inside your locker… Just what is in there?
21 - I stored too much laundry…
29 - The onigiri from half a year ago is…
14 - I’m keeping a dog inside.
27) If you concentrate too much in a match, you can see your opponent’s movements very well. Just what is this…
TYPE B - Is this the “Zone”!?
TYPE E - This is the “Zone”!
TYPE J - My eyes are kinda strange. Eye strain?
28) Being one of the best players, what is your one weakness…?
TYPE H - Being too serious.
TYPE D - Being too fastidious.
TYPE I - Jokes are lame.
29) Your coach made honey-soaked lemons but… it’s kinda strange!!
34 - The lemons are whole! Haven’t I always told you to cut it!?
28 - This… is not a lemon, but a banana!?
32 - It’s normally delicious… but instead it’s weird!!
[Aomine: Hm… You’re kinda good, aren’t ya!]
30) In today’s match, there is a person in the opponent’s team that you don’t do well against. What kind of player is he…?
33 - Huge body and strong physical strength
27 - Has good technique and is fast
24 - The personality is somehow disagreeable
31)  Recently, you’re in a shooting slump. What will you do?
34 - Practice earnestly and bring back the pace
24 - During hopeless times, whatever you do will be useless! I’ll sleep.
14 - Change to another position
32) It’s the deciding point of the last stage of the match! What is your trump card!?
TYPE J - A strong heart that never gives up till the end!
TYPE I - Ingenuity that outwits the opponent!
31 - A secret technique I haven’t shown anyone!
33) A scout from another school came to recruit you. What will you do?
TYPE D - If I can be stronger then I’ll go.
TYPE F - If it’s closer to my house, I’ll go.
21 - I can’t betray my allies.
34) Out of all the special techniques, if you can acquire just one, which will you choose?
TYPE B - Lane-up (Dunking from the free-throw line)
TYPE H - Barrier Jumper (Impenetrable shot)
TYPE C - Whatever technique it is, I’ll copy it.
35) Finally, victorious against a formidable opponent! The cause of your victory is…!?
TYPE F - Defensive power that blocks my opponent’s attacks!
TYPE A - The team’s united offensive power!
TYPE C - Fan support!

TYPE A - Kuroko Tetsuya
Unable to manifest your presence to your surroundings, you should exchange passes with Kuroko and secretly lead the team! Once in a while, you might lose sight of each other, though…
TYPE B - Kagami Taiga
For you, who hides a bottomless potiential and a burning fighting spirit, competing with Kagami for points is recommended. After the fierce fight, a firm friendship should bud!
TYPE C - Kise Ryouta
For you, who is stylish and skillful, Kise Ryota is the suitable partner! Copying each other’s play, before you know it, the circumstances will be “I am him and he is me”!?
TYPE D - Midorima Shintarou
Stoic certainly in basketball, and even in everyday life, your partner is Midorima! Not giving in to each other during practice, why are you both always having a test of endurance…!?
TYPE E - Aomine Daiki
Always boasting “The only one who can beat me is me!”, you must try to have a real showdown with Aomine! …huh, wouldn’t it have been better if you were opponents instead?
TYPE F - Murasakibara Atsushi
You, who’s indolent*, need to chat with Murasakibara under the goal in the middle of a match to deepen your friendship! Just leave the offense to the other members.
(*T/N: The original term used is 面倒くさがり which basically means someone who finds most things troublesome. I’m not sure if there’s an exact English equivalent for it.) 
TYPE G - Akashi Seijuurou
Winning is natural, thus if you cannot win, you’ll die…!? Such an ever-victorious being like you, should go and lead a fierce military leadership together with Akashi!
TYPE H - Hyuuga Junpei
Far from a genius, you are a hard-worker who makes extra effort and are brimming with love for basketball! Set out to defeat the Generation of Miracles!!
TYPE I - Izuki Shun
You have a great assessment of the situation and should work smoothly together with Izuki, a man of ingenuity. Control the game with two wide field of visions! And the annoying-ness* also doubles!?
(*T/N: The original Japanese word is ウザさ, which is not a “real term.” It directly translates to “annoying-ness,” but the proper English equivalent for it should be vexatiousness.)
TYPE J - Kiyoshi Teppei
You never back down no matter how disadvantageous circumstances are! Together with Kiyoshi, inspire those around you, and bring the team together. Of course, during times he’s being stupid, you’re the same as well!

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